

9 Niedernberger Strasse
Grosswallstadt 63868


Mo to Fr
8.00 am to 6.00 pm
8.00 am to 1.00 pm


365 days a year


(0) 6022 / 265 970
(0) 6022 / 258 66
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 Please report your emergency by phone at 06022-265970 and give us the following information:

  • What is your horse's general condition?
  • Has your horse been examined / treated?
  • When are you expected to arrive at the clinic?


Transport of horses with colic:
First remove the partition of the trailer. Afterwards, bed the trailer very generously with straw, to prevent injuries during rolling, etc. If you hear paddling and kicking while you are driving, do not stop and do not open the trailer’s ramp, because the behavior of your horse can be unpredictable and dangerous! So you can expose yourself and your horse to a life-threatening situation. Please continue your trip to the clinic as quickly as possible.


Transport of horses with fractures:
IT IS ESSENTIAL TO SEEK FOR A VETERINARIAN AT HOME BEFORE TRASPORTING THESE PATIENTS. Proper coaptation, stabilization and transportation is of paramount importance and cannot be overemphasized. Please DO NOT load a horse with a fracture on the trailer before you have consulted with your veterinarian and with us. What you can do is to keep the horse calm and as still as possible, and put a temporary bandage on the affected limb.
In the trailer the horse should be restrained as close as possible to allow him to lean to the bars and the walls. There shouldn’t be excessive bedding on the floor as this may put additional stress on the fracture. The affected leg should point to the BACK of the trailer if at all possible, so horses with fore limb fractures should ride with their head towards the back of the trailer and horses with hind limb fractures should travel with their head towards the front of the trailer.


Professional transport:
If you need a professional transport for your horse, you can trust confidently to Mark Fetsch (www.mf-pferdetransport.de). Mr. Fetsch also has experience with difficult or injured horses and is available for emergencies 24 hours.